©2017 Brooke Russell, You Are Here Yoga

Bozeman, MT


Think you're too busy for yoga, or perhaps you don't want to practice with a group?  In an effort to help make yoga available to everybody, and every body, I can come to your space, and practice at your pace, at your chosen time. I specialize in personalizing your practice to fit your needs!

My Private Rates include travel time (within the Gallatin Valley), and are as follows:

         Special Introductory Private Rate for New Students, 3-session package for $30 per session (booked in advance; $90 total, pre-paid at the end of the first session).

         Regular Private Rate Per Session is $40 per session.

            Add a Friend to either of the above for $10 per session.



Want to start a group at your church, business or other community center?  Again, I specialize in  creating classes that fit the needs of the individual participants.  I will come to your location, and provide classes that fit your group's desires.  Want a more meditative practice?  No problem!  Need to introduce some chair yoga to your employees?  OK!  Hope to have a more hopping practice to get those bodies moving and motivated?  Great!

Group class rates are determined based on frequency, length of class, and number of participants.  Please contact me to discuss (see Contacts page).



Have you and your cohorts been wondering about the big picture, and how the different aspects of yoga can benefit your life in a bigger way? Do you need to refine or focus on a particular yoga or life skill?  An extended period of time is sometimes needed to explore yoga's benefits in-depth, and a workshop is just the ticket!

Workshop rates vary depending on length of workshop and number of participants.  Please contact me to discuss workshop possibilities (see Contacts page).